I have titled this particular post, thoughts on weekly writing. I did this because people always seem to post their thoughts on something...dating, motherhood, boys, girls, rabbits, and monsters. It would seem we are living in a world where thoughts are posted constantly. People give way to utter ramblings of sheer opinion. So hence I followed suit.
This is Travis writing in case you missed out on that. I have explained my new blog direction to my wife who more or less told me that she will put me in charge. Good. I needed the freedom of this blog to work my magic and science. Along the lines of magic and science I have decided to form a weekly writing escapade on this blog to help strengthen my writing and creative juices.
The idea behind this is that I am going to post my thoughts to this blog has regularly has possible. You are probably saying to yourself, "I don't care much about this boys thoughts." Well you must have some level of care if you have decided to view this blog, but rest assured more then just my thoughts I want to post my life. I want you to know and read stories here, I want you to know why I hated this movie or loved that book. I want you, the reader, to step in and be apart of my life. It would be awesome if you commented every once and while just so I know you are still alive.
So there you have it. My new direction and new purpose starts now. And by "now" of course I mean tomorrow. Later
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