Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indiana Jones Review! (Spoilers ahead)

Right off the bat I want to say that I am giant fan of the previous three Indy films. Just behind me on the wall is the original poster from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, while not my favorite of the three it is my favorite Indy Poster. That being said...

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Chrystal Skull is pretty decent. I think the largest problem I had with the movie was the very distant totally unbelievable, far-fetched Lucas inspired ending. Aliens? *rolls eyes* Really?

Now I know I am getting ahead of myself. The beginning was stellar. With Elvis playing and some 50's styled kids racing some army guys. Yeah it was an awesome beginning. The great part was it only got better. Indy is apparently in that Army racing car's truck. He has been kidnapped by the communists and is being taken to Area 51 for the single best fight scene of the whole movie. While at Area 51, Indy shows the soviets (at gunpoint) this box that seems to contain an alien skull. This skull idea is one of the pinnacle points of the movie.

From here we get a great fight scene. Some awesome footage of Indiana fleeing into a town that he thought was some average town but it turned out to be testing for the A bomb. Nice stuff. Classic Indy.

Then it gets weird. The weirdness starts with the entrance of Mutt. Mutt is played by Shia LaBeouf, an actor whom I admire and respect. Even in this movie Mutt is a decent addition, like short stack before him in temple of doom he adds some much needed youth and humor. Now if you haven't heard by now (or guessed for that matter) Mutt is Indy's son. Mutts mom is Marion Ravenwood who plays Indy's woman in the very first, Raiders of the Lost Ark. The catch is Indy doesn't know this is his son and Spielburg wastes no time in letting the audience find this out.

So as Mutt pulls in the weirdness for awhile it is okay and then it goes down hill. About the halfway point the movie gets confusing and difficult to follow. The CGI seems to take over and no real stunts are done from this point on. And the aliens get more involved.

Now I know that everyone has been claiming they wanted Indy up against space for oh 20 years but needless to say I don't think this is what everyone was looking for. I don't want to fully spoil the movie but the last 15 minutes are pure crazy, confusing, star wars meets National treasure meets James Bond in Space kinda thing. Amongst all the things that it is the one thing it is not is Indiana Jones.

I guess the hard part is the Indiana Jones to me is the symbol of struggling faith. He never quite declares in the previous movies that he believes in God, but he does. Especially in Raiders and Last Crusade Indy teaches us something about faith in God and the divine. Sadly this movie teaches us more about believing in aliens. It steps away from it's religious message to place itself with a more politically correct ending. And this ending left me bitter. If I would have written this the day after this review would be a lot more harsh but naturally time heals all wounds and so I am less against this movie now.

Overall while the ending was posh CGI garbage, the story of Indy, his son, and his son's mom holds quite a bit of the movie up from sinking. Coming in at a very decent B average this movie is good enough to see in the theaters, good enough to own on DVD, but not quite good enough to stand up with the previous three.

Rating: B

Monday, May 19, 2008

Thoughts on Weekly writing

I have titled this particular post, thoughts on weekly writing. I did this because people always seem to post their thoughts on, motherhood, boys, girls, rabbits, and monsters. It would seem we are living in a world where thoughts are posted constantly. People give way to utter ramblings of sheer opinion. So hence I followed suit.

This is Travis writing in case you missed out on that. I have explained my new blog direction to my wife who more or less told me that she will put me in charge. Good. I needed the freedom of this blog to work my magic and science. Along the lines of magic and science I have decided to form a weekly writing escapade on this blog to help strengthen my writing and creative juices.

The idea behind this is that I am going to post my thoughts to this blog has regularly has possible. You are probably saying to yourself, "I don't care much about this boys thoughts." Well you must have some level of care if you have decided to view this blog, but rest assured more then just my thoughts I want to post my life. I want you to know and read stories here, I want you to know why I hated this movie or loved that book. I want you, the reader, to step in and be apart of my life. It would be awesome if you commented every once and while just so I know you are still alive.

So there you have it. My new direction and new purpose starts now. And by "now" of course I mean tomorrow. Later

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Changes ahead!

Well Folk, school is out. I passed my class with a flying A and now this blog has been rendered useless. But rather then end it and delete my wonderful informative posts I have decided to revamp this bad boy. I am going to give this guy a new direction and a new purpose.

Some things will stay the same mind you. I will still recount stories and tales of my life. I will still nerd up all over this thing but somethings will be changing. Here's a couple of things to look forward to.

  • A new title. 13melvins fit when I was in school and created weird twin based websites but now I want something with more Zing. Or less Zing...I am not sure.
  • More consistent involvement of my loving wife and details of our life right now.
  • MORE PHOTOS, it is time to see me. I am going to be camera-ing it up for your viewing pleasure.
  • Actual reviews. I know, I have promised it before but now I am getting serious and real. I want you folks to know what I am excited about and what disappoints me.
  • Finally involvement of family and friends. I am going to reach out to you guys and get myself heard in the family and bloggers circle. I am going to read about you and give you comments and hope you will come read with me.
Prepare yourself for these changes. Some of them might have already happened. I am ready.

Are you?