Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Batman 3 (rumors and thoughts)

My Bat Blog has my rumors and thoughts should be for the upcoming Batman movie. I am pretty proud of the general storyline. Take a peek here.


My Boys, Life's Joys said...

Hey guys, check out the story about Steve's first day of law school, I think you'll get a good laugh over it. And you can join me in the teasing.

My Boys, Life's Joys said...

Fellow Blogging Friends,
Our blog is now set to private, as we have had an unknown and unwanted visitor post a nasty comment on our blog recently. You are still invited to view our blog, but I need your email address, in order to add you to our list of invited readers. Please send me the email address you use for blogger to melandstevebarnes@gmail.com, and I will add you right away!
Melanie and Steve